The latest story from the Rocky Mountain Flatbread Education Society... The Responsible Entrepreneur program was implemented at Exshaw school in December and it was a success, thanks to the Gr. 7 students and Anne-Marie. The Gr. 7 class worked hard and long to create Nature's Non-Toxic Cleaning Kits. The students created the name, produced the environmentally friendly cleaning supplies, packaged the product and used their magnificent sales skills to sell all of the kits for Christmas in one day. Nature's Non-Toxic Cleaning Kits included environmentally friendly laundry soap, window cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, abrasive tub and tile cleaner and lavender laundry bags. The Gr. 7's donated half of the money earned to the Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley.
Did you Know?If we replaced a 48 oz bottle of petroleum based laundry soap with a natural product in every household we would save 96,000 barrels of oil every year, enough to heat and cool 5,500 houses in Canada each year.
The Responsible Entrepreneur program teaches kids how to develop a business in a way that enhances a positive contribution to society while minimizing negative impacts on people and the environment. The students learned about the 3 P's to think about when developing a business, People, Profit and Planet. Special thanks to Canmore's local businesses that made this happen: Home Hardware, Sobeys, The Lavender Store, Safeway, The Great Canadian Dollar Store, The Rocky Mountain Soap Company, Polar Pin, Nutters, Mountain FM and The Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company.
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